Just because....
---HER LIFE IN PROGRESS--- Baltimore, Maryland native, Kiki Waters has a dynamic personality. Her multifacet interests and skills include professional nursing, veteran, make-up artist, recommend ebay seller of numerous variety, entrepreneurial, and now blogger....did I miss anything? Well of course I did. I can't even keep up with her! Join Kiki as she experiences the world through the eyes of a Thoughtful Diva.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Relationships: In 2012 Can People Still Maintain Healthy Relationships
Why is it that, even when a person gets who they pursue, the majority of the time, they end up neglecting, rejecting, or overall losing interest in their prize. In 2012 Can Anyone Be Satisfied? This question extends to all realms of the mass amount of variations of human wants compared to the small amount of basic human needs. But, lets stay on topic and focus on relationships. Some people say that it is the effect of TV, Movies, general media that flood our optical and audible senses with "perfect" appearing people and irresponsible song lyrics that leave you chanting of sexual promiscuity or the longing for that "perfect" someone. Well, that may just be one cause. Others being commercial advertisements driven to increase sales by playing on the general public's perceived insecurities, the lack of knowledge and skill to maintain a healthy relationship, the emotional effects of being a child of divorced parents, over entitlement to special favors and tolerances, inability to make decisions, greed, having mental disturbances or desensitizations to emotions needed to maintain a healthy relationship, complacentness with single status and unwillingness to change, and being unforgiving or judgemental of the opposite sex during the introductory phase. There are many more possible causes to why both men and women have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. I'm sure a few of you thought back to past lovers who suffered from a few causes that I mentioned, or if your honest enough, maybe its you that needs to do some soul searching. The point of todays blog is to convey the almost endless causes for realtionships to end in this era and to say this to my readers: Focus on you and whats makes you smile. The answer to the posed question is YES. People can still maintaion healthy relationships in 2012. Learn to CO-EXIST in your relationships. Pursue your life in conjunction with your life, NOT instead of you life. Relationships with potential lovers can and will come and go through your life. Whether you were in the relationship for 60 years or 6 months. At the end of the day you must live for yourself. Learn to co-exist and you will successful in having the most important relationships, that's the one between you and God, as you fulfill your dreams and ambitions which was His plan for you. Smile.